Paige Vanemon Art
Student Photography Project
CAD Activity 5.2 Directions: Making Sketches in CAD Activity 5.2 will require a “CAD Model Features” instructional notebook, “SELECTED AUTODESK INVENTOR FILES” from the link below and, and “INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEOS” from the link below. CLICK HERE FOR: SELECTED AUTODESK INVENTOR FILES CLICK HERE FOR: INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEOS Jul 24, 2017admin
DELIVERABLES (things to be graded) Class: InTroDuctIon tO PhoTograPhy 2018-2019: Marking Period 4 PROJECT: 4X6 Framed Photographs PROJECT: Forced Perspective Photography PROJECT: 5X7 Green Screen Greetings (4) PROJECT: Product Photography PROJECT: Portrait Photography PROJECT: Candid Photography PROJECT: Food Photography CONTEST: Farm 15 ASSIGNMENT: Under/OverExposure (Light ADJ #3) ASSIGNMENT: OverExposure (Light ADJ #2) ASSIGNMENT: Underexposure (Light […]
The following images to be used for practice and instruction only. May 15, 2018admin
Illustrator Tutorial How To Make A 3D Push Pin May 1, 2018admin
This video explains how to create a new file or blank canvas in Photoshop. YouTube Sep 15, 2012admin
Here you will find a pocket Screen Print Template with two registrations. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE SCREENPRINTING POCKET TEMPLATE Sep 20, 2019admin