Here you will find a 14″X8.5″ Screen Print Template with two registrations. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE SCREEN PRINT TEMPLATE
Here you will find a pocket Screen Print Template with two registrations. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE SCREENPRINTING POCKET TEMPLATE
Here you will find examples of design and layout for reference, inspiration, and example.
Screen Printing Concepts (May 2019) Here you will find examples of design and layout for reference, inspiration, and example.
How to create a white under base: Underbase and choke @ 8:40 Create a new layer and call it underbase Select entire graphic Control + C Paste to Font (Control + F) the section to the new layer Trace the object Use the Pathfinder tool to unit the object Apply a 1 Point choke
13x19 screen printing template
Here you will find a 13″ X 19″ Screen Print Template with two registrations. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE SCREEN PRINT TEMPALTE
This brief clip follows the Twin Valley Graphic Arts screen printing workflow minus a Little Buddy conveyer dryer, which at the time of this filming was inoperable due to electrical limits. This represents our screen print workflow as of December 2018.
Tools to better understand color separation for screen printing.
Use a 6″ X 9″ Adobe Illustrator document to create four different greeting cards. Place your custom logo on the backside of the card. Place the four different cards correctly in the 13’X 19″ template. Screen at least three prints (12 cards). Using a Rototrim, trim each card neatly. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD 13″X 19″ […]
1. Research 6-8 slogans that have meaning to you. 2. Present your research to the teacher. 3. Research 4-6 san serif fonts to use. 4. Present your findings. 5. Choose the slogan and font you will use. 6. Use lowercase sanserif font to create the message in the 13″ X 19″ template. 7. Demonstrate AT […]
Complete a Four Dimensional drawing, outline it in black marker, make it digital using Adobe Capture, edit the file using Photoshop and/or Illustrator and place the final file in a 8” X 11” Adobe Illustrator canvas/document. Transition the 8” X 11” to the 13″ X 19″ template. Print the film. Create a screen. Screen 12 […]
Create FOUR 12″X 18″ Posters Two on White Stock Two on Colored Stock Using a photograph convert it to halftones. Use Adobe Illustrator Text WITH A STROKE that OVERLAPS THE PHOTOGRAPH to create your Poster Idea Use the 13″ x 19″ Screen Printing Template (with Registration Marks) Have your idea approved before print to film.