Click Here For Career Assignment Template
The following logos are intended to generate ideas and serve students for educational purpose. Mar 11, 2020admin
Complete a Four Dimensional drawing, outline it in black marker, make it digital using Adobe Capture, edit the file using Photoshop and/or Illustrator and place the final file in a 10” X 7.5” Adobe Illustrator canvas/document.Place your 10” X 7.5” artwork in to the Seagull 13″ X 19″ template.Print the film.Create a screen.Screen 10 pieces […]
For educational purposes only. These images for viewing and inspiration purposes only. May 8, 2019admin
Feb 22, 2018admin
Mac Versus PC for Autodesk Inventor BOOT SPEED TEST What happens when a 2014 Mac goes head to head with a 2016 PC to run Microsoft Windows and Autodesk’s Inventor? How do Macs running Microsoft Windows handle Autodesk’s Inventor? Note: The PC is running with twice the Ram (16GB v. 8GB) PC System Components Model […]
On a sheet of paper write tens things learned after watching the video clip below on “The Impact of Algorithmic Trading”. Yan Ohayon demystifies and shares his experience with algorithmic trading and its impact on markets, our lives, and everything in between. May 1, 2012admin
Create a photograph that utilizes and imposes the same photograph a least tow times and ends with the identical background. Use Photoshop to create the effect. Deliverable 1: Create a photo, inside a photo, inside a photo of the identical background. Deliverable 2: Create a infinite framed photograph. Create two infinity photographs. Canvas Size 10″ […]
Twin Valley High School Technology Education