Antigone: Lecture review and summary.
How to have Chrome automatically print from Adobe Acrobat A. in chrome set the print command to automatically download the file B. then set the mac default pdf reader to adobe acrobat C. then set chrome to automatically open all downloads in the default system viewer boom! Aug 30, 2023admin
Redesign the Starbucks logo in “Twin Valley Raiders” style. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE CLASS LOGO DESIGN FILE CLICK HERE to Download Vector Textures CLICK HERE CLICK HERE FOR STARBUCKS STYLE TYPE FONT (SANTANA BLACK) LINK TO: Google Search for “Starbucks Coffee Parody” Mar 12, 2019admin
How to Make a Warhol Style Pop Art Dec 14, 2018admin
Create an advertisement: ANY WAY YOU WOULD LIKE You need to meet the following requirements: 1. Create a name for the company 2. Create a slogan for the company 3. Place the name & slogan on the advertisement 4. Place the address & phone number of the company on the advertisement. 5. Create hours of […]
Create a Visual Presentation that applies Vinyl, Paper, and a Color Means of your choice. Your hand created visual should contain: *The TVTE logo in the bottom right. (You will be given half of this as a sticker.) *The Tagline “Life’s Better When you Make Stuff” (You will be given half of this as a […]
Use the tools we have covered in this course to correct the images in the file below. How to get the file to your computer: Click on the image Right click and choose “Copy” or “Copy Image” In Photoshop, Open a new file and click “OK” to the predetermined size of the canvas. (Photoshop knows the […]
The following images to be used for education purposes only and are intended only to stimulate student thought. May 14, 2018admin
This image will be used for an exercise in Photoshop to practice using the: clone stamp tool. Right click to copy this image to your clipboard. Next open a new Photoshop canvas and leave the dimension that Photoshop recommends, as Photoshop is aware of the size of the object on your clipboard. Paste the image […]