CLICK HERE: to View the Mood, Tone, and Theme Presentation
Photographs of Chincoteague, Virginia (7.19.18) and Southern Shores, North Carolina (7.21.18-7.26.18) Mike Vanemon Photography Gear I Use, Love, and Recommend: Mike Vanemon Photography Jul 23, 2018admin
Knowledge Uncaged This tutorial examines how to draw straight lines in Adobe Photoshop. Essential Questions: What will this tutorial explore? What is the brush hardness (%) setting in the example? Pressing what key allows for ease when drawing straight lines in Photoshop? What can you do to eliminate the ribbed/rough edge from a straight line drawn […]
Chapter 1 Choosing your Career Jobs and Careers Major Occupational Groups Jobs Groups and Descriptions Job Analysis Positive Features of Employment: Salary, Benefits, Promotions Negative Features of Employment: Work Expenses Coping with Change/Reinvention Lifelong Learning Self Assessment Changing Careers Chapter 5 Work Laws and Responsibilities Laws Required work Forms Exemptions or Allowances Social Security Work […]
This video demonstrates how to conserve transfer tape when making vinyl decals. Using transfer tape wisely involves weeding all decals first an then strategically positioning them on the tape. Worksheet: CLICK HERE FOR THE WORKSHEET/QUIZ THAT GOES WITH THIS LESSON Apr 25, 2022admin
Mike Vanemon Photography
Tools to better understand color separation for screen printing. Dec 6, 2018admin
Use Microsoft word to create a table to submit the answers to the questions below. Use search engines: Google, Yahoo, Ask, and one more of your choice to find your answers. Each search engine must be used at least twice. After you have found the answer to each question provide your answer in a complete sentence, […]