Lightbulb clipart
Dec 17, 2012admin
Warm Up doc: Ed Puzzle: avadeca Nov 9, 2020admin
Photoshop CC: Transforming Images Proportionately This video examines how to free transform proportionately and maintain the aspect ratio f photos and graphics. Apr 9, 2019admin
On a sheet of paper write tens things learned after watching the video clip below on “The Impact of Algorithmic Trading”. Yan Ohayon demystifies and shares his experience with algorithmic trading and its impact on markets, our lives, and everything in between. May 1, 2012admin
Directions: 1. Open and save a new presentation as YourLastNameColors.ppt 2. Insert a footer with your first name, last name, period, and day (odd/even). 3. In the footer dialog box check the box that reads “Don’t Show On Title Slide”. 4. Using the images below create the following slideshow that details: The Meaning of Colors. […]
Illustrator Tutorial How To Make A 3D Push Pin May 1, 2018admin
1. Using the connecting line feature of the Paint Brush (Hold Shift), create a stained glass window or abstract artwork on a canvas 800 X 800 pixles in size. 2. Use the Paint Bucket to fill in the entire canvas. 3. You must use a minimum of 20 Colors. Examples: Feb 25, […]
How to create a white under base: Underbase and choke @ 8:40 Create a new layer and call it underbase Select entire graphic Control + C Paste to Font (Control + F) the section to the new layer Trace the object Use the Pathfinder tool to unit the object Apply a 1 Point choke Apr […]