Lightbulb clipart
Microsoft Excel 2007 Level 1 & 2 Rutkosky, Seguin, Rutkosky 2008 by Paradigm Publishing, Inc Chapter 1 Pages 7-36 • Identify the various elements of an Excel Workbook • Create, Save, and print a workbook • Enter data in a workbook • Edit data in a workbook • Insert a formula using the Sum button […]
This video explains how to use the Zoom Tool and Paint Bucket Tool in Photoshop. Step Backward is also reviewed. YouTube Sep 15, 2012admin
How many golfers from weekend duffers to touring pros go literally a lifetime without sinking a hole-in-one? by Jeff Reinhart of Reigning PA Junior Open champ Samantha Staudt, a junior at nearby Coatesville High School, made two aces in a four-hole stretch during the Red Raiders’ match against Avon Grove on Tuesday at Inniscrone Golf […]
VERSION 1 **Warm Ups Everyday* -Bring a shoebox to class ASSIGNMENT: Genere Photography 10 ORIGINAL Pictures in a Folder on Your Computer (YOU took them) PROJECT: 20 ORIGINAL Food Photography Photography in a Folder on Your Computer ASSIGNMENT: Rule of Thirds Grid ASSIGNMENT: Color The Dragon ASSIGNMENT: Create a Sandwich ASSIGNMENT: Free Transform Lesson 1 […]
Ethics (Brave New World) A Lecture from my Ethics course discussing a section of Brave New World. Bit different format for these, as it shows key terms/ideas on the board. Brave New World is Now a Reality BRAVE NEW 1984 – Introduction to Orwell & Huxley BRAVE NEW 1984 – what if Orwell were alive […]
Each day (in a Google Doc) students are presented with a photograph. Students are asked to give that photograph a 2-3 word title that demonstrates figurative languages such as Alliteration, Metaphor, or Simile. Students are then asked in three sentences to tell a story about that picture. Answers for this figurative language title and short […]
Sep 12, 2012admin
Twin Valley High School Design Club offers students real life opportunities to design and create products for other Twin Valley High School clubs and organizations. Students in Photography and Graphic Arts classes use software to design and tools and machines to create; custom posters, signage, photo prints, stationary, clothing, decals, and more. Students take design […]