Demonstrate at least TWO self portrait ideas. h/t: Jan 21, 2022admin
Directions: Use the paintbrush tool to create the house pictured below. The canvas should be 12 X 12 inches, 200 resolution. IMPORTANT: SAVE the image in your folder as YourLastName_House.jpg All colors and images should be as close to the below image as possible. Perfectly straight lines of different thickness should be demonstrated and reflected […]
Animation: Level 1 Exercises Level 1 Exercises (Do not discount their simplicity! Here you have the principals of animation, which all other animation is built on. They are worth your time and effort.) -Ball Bouncing across the screen -Character kicking a ball -Character blinking -Character jumping -Brick falling from a shelf onto the ground -Simple […]
Call Outs bring attention to a particular are of a photograph by enlarging the portion to be examined. Jan 31, 2022admin
Project: YouR mAG (Custom Magazine Covers/Posters) Research Create a Google Doc titled: YOURLASTNAME Magazines Include images 10 DIFFERENT Magazine covers that you like (10 Images) Select 4 of the 10 Magazines you like Include 10 images of Each of those 4 Magazines in your Google Doc (40 Images) POssible resources: Amazon Magazines Planning Divide […]
These images to be used for Photoshop practice exercises only. Right click to copy this image to your clipboard. Next, open a new Photoshop canvas and leave the dimensions that Photoshop recommends, as Photoshop is aware of the size of the object on your clipboard. Paste the image into the new canvas. Airplane #1 Airplane […]
Progression photography is a series of related photographs that build upon each other. Create a new canvas in inches that is 16.5″ in width, 4.5″ in height , and has a resolution of 200. Showcase your progression photographs in this canvas. Save your document as a .PSD. Now…Flatten the image. Duplicate the layer (command + […]
Use the below template to create your gravitar at To make your author avatar to appear on your site, register at with the same email you registered at your site. Log in to and upload your avatar picture you would like to appear in author box under the post content. Sep […]