Twin Valley High School Technology Education Fall 2020 Graphic Arts and Photography
DELIVERABLES (things to be graded) Class: GrAphiC Arts and AnimAtion 2018-2019: Marking Period 4 PROJECT: Personalized Decals ANIMATION: Level III Exercises (Choose EIGHT Animations from Level 3 to Complete) 160 POINTS PROJECT: Personalized YouTube Thumbnails (4) ANIMATION: Level Two Exercises (Choose SIX Animations from Level 2 to Complete) 120 POINTS PROJECT: What the Font? 100 […]
Below are general guidelines for Grade 10 English vocabulary. A new unit is posted approximately every two weeks. Students take two weeks learning each unit. In week 1, students write the terms, entire definitions, and an original sentence for each term. Week 1 work is typically due Thursdays. In the second week, students write the answers to all […]
Students in Drafting and Design I develop their ability to design, produce, and understand drawings. A variety of techniques are used to complete drawings including; sketching, hand drafting, and computer aided drafting. Students also complete several design projects including the design of a miniature golf course or board game on the computer and the design/construction […]
In Microsoft Word, recreate the PA Penny Pincher Flyer blog below. Save the project as YOURLASTNAME-PP1.doc. Your flyer should look identical. The flyer should include all of the ideas and elements we have worked with thus far. *Grouping *Text Wrap *Copy/Paste *Autoshapes *Word Art These images to be used for practice exercises only. Images found here […]
HINT: Don’t forget to divide the interest rate by 12. Why? If you were paying an annual interest rate of 10% you would need to divide that interest rate by 12 in order to find out the monthly interest rate. In this case: (.10/12) Fit the assignment to one page, apply the appropriate footer, print and submit assignment. Apr 13, 2013admin
This assignment will not be printed, rather graded on your computer. Apr 26, 2013admin
The following images to be used for education purposes only and are intended only to stimulate student thought. Dec 10, 2018admin
Knowledge Uncaged This tutorial examines how to draw straight lines in Adobe Photoshop. Essential Questions: What will this tutorial explore? What is the brush hardness (%) setting in the example? Pressing what key allows for ease when drawing straight lines in Photoshop? What can you do to eliminate the ribbed/rough edge from a straight line drawn […]