- Loves his family
- Loves his heritage and his people
- Frustrated at how his people have been oppressed
- Upset with European colonizers
- Has a quick mind
- Strong work ethic
- Feels close to nature
His character gradually declines
He becomes overwhelmed with ambition and greed
He peaceful relationship with nature becomes reversed
- Loves her family
- Practical/Real-world/Hands-on
- Loyal
- Submissive
- Obeying
- Able to see the truth (in people and things)
- Wants to keep things in her life the way they are
- Symbol of family’s happiness
The Doctor
- He represents the attitudes that oppress Kino’s people
- Arrogant
- Greedy
- Snobbish toward the natives
- Has no interest in Kino’s people
- Only interested in making money
- Seems uninterested in the health of people
- Obsessed with European society
- His perceived high culture consumes his mind
- Ignorant of others