Click here for the Theater Job Template
Teenage pop star Justin Bieber was arrested on Thursday for drag-racing a car while drunk and high in Miami, and the mainstream media went nuts. So nuts, in fact, that MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell interrupted former Rep. Jane Harman (D-Calif.), who was talking about National Security Agency Reforms, for the “breaking news out of Miami.” […]
Objective: Create TWO Graphic compilations for digital and/or print. Topic Brainstorm: On a piece of paper, create a list of 15 topics that you could make a collage of. Examples: Cartoon Characters, Candy Logos, Restaurant Logos, Video Games, Etc… WITH THE TEACHER decide on TWO to move forward with. Have the topic brainstorm(s) approved […]
Instruction #6 on p. 143, Assessment 2, states: Specify the column row titles (A3 through A22) are to print on each page. HINT: 1. Goto the Page Layout Tab 2. Click on the Print Titles Icon 3. Set the Columns To Repeat at Left to A3:A22 Mar 9, 2013admin
In Microsoft Word, recreate the PA Penny Pincher Flyer blog below. Save the project as YOURLASTNAME-PP1.doc. Your flyer should look identical. The flyer should include all of the ideas and elements we have worked with thus far. *Grouping *Text Wrap *Copy/Paste *Autoshapes *Word Art These images to be used for practice exercises only. Images found here […]
Lebron James wants to tell you about the Health Insurance Marketplace at from healthcaregov: Mar 20, 2014admin
PROJECT: Personalized Decals Design and Cut a minimum of 8-10 personalized decals -Each decal should be created and customized by you, no direct logo steals -Each decal when printed should be no larger than 2.5-3 inches -Decals should be created in Adobe Illustrator in a canvas/document sized to 24″ X 24″ -Decals should be exported […]
The following images are to inspire only. They should be solely for idea and education. Dec 9, 2020admin
Use Photoshop to create a canvas in inches that is 12″ x 12″ with a resolution of 200. Create a picture. Use each piece at least once. These images to be used for Photoshop practice exercises only. Right click to copy this image to your clipboard. Next, open a new Photoshop canvas and leave the […]