Click here for the Theater Job Template
Directions: 1. Open and save a new presentation as YourLastNamePBJ.ppt 2. Insert a footer with your first name, last name, period, and day (odd/even). 3. In the footer dialog box check the box that reads “Don’t Show On Title Slide”, and check the box to SHOW slide numbers. 4. Using the images below create the […]
10 Future Technologies That Already Exist Amazing New Future Technology 2013 What is a Smart Home? Video Example of Smart Home Tech As Humans and Computers Merge… Immortality? Oct 17, 2013admin
Printable Back to School Nigh Sign in Sheet CLICK HERE FOR THE: Printable Back to School Night Sign In Sheet Aug 30, 2018admin
This image to be used for education and exercise purpose only. Apr 3, 2018admin
Animation: Level 3 Exercises Level 3 Exercises (Do not discount their simplicity! Here you have the principals of animation, which all other animation is built on. They are worth your time and effort.) Level 3 Exercises -Close up of open hand closing into fist -Close up of hand picking up a small object -Character lifting […]
Troy’s Trees Your publishing company has been hired by Troy Smith to create marketing documents for his tree farm. Use your knowledge of and skill with desktop publishing software to create a business card that represents this business. Be sure to complete the document based off of the directions below, include all of the required […]
For educational use only. May 3, 2022admin
Remember to type on the spreadsheet: -Your Name -Your Class Period -The Day (Odd/Even) -Remember to Display Formulas before printing. (Control + ~) -See page 55 Project 4C for help with the IF Formula. Your spreadsheet should look something like this: Nov 19, 2012admin