Template Example:
These images to be used for Photoshop practice exercises only. Right click to copy this image to your clipboard. Next, open a new Photoshop canvas and leave the dimensions that Photoshop recommends, as Photoshop is aware of the size of the object on your clipboard. Paste the image into the new canvas. Mar 27, 2017admin
How many golfers from weekend duffers to touring pros go literally a lifetime without sinking a hole-in-one? by Jeff Reinhart of pennlive.com: Reigning PA Junior Open champ Samantha Staudt, a junior at nearby Coatesville High School, made two aces in a four-hole stretch during the Red Raiders’ match against Avon Grove on Tuesday at Inniscrone Golf […]
VERSION 1 **Warm Ups Everyday* -Bring a shoebox to class ASSIGNMENT: Genere Photography 10 ORIGINAL Pictures in a Folder on Your Computer (YOU took them) PROJECT: 20 ORIGINAL Food Photography Photography in a Folder on Your Computer ASSIGNMENT: Rule of Thirds Grid ASSIGNMENT: Color The Dragon ASSIGNMENT: Create a Sandwich ASSIGNMENT: Free Transform Lesson 1 […]
Create a one page advertisement for a Sports Park. It can be any type of Sports Park. Defined: A Sports Park is a place where you go to participate in a variety of sports. You need to meet the following requirements: 1. Create a name for the Sports Park 2. Create a slogan for the […]
Remember to type on the spreadsheet: -Your Name -Your Class Period -The Day (Odd/Even) -Remember to Display Formulas before printing. (Control + ~) -See page 55 Project 4C for help with the IF Formula. Your spreadsheet should look something like this: Nov 19, 2012admin
These images to be used for Photoshop practice exercises only. Right click to copy this image to your clipboard. Next, open a new Photoshop canvas and leave the dimensions that Photoshop recommends, as Photoshop is aware of the size of the object on your clipboard. Paste the image into the new canvas. Oct 11, 2016admin
Conceptual Movie Poster Mar 13, 2017admin
Three ways to manipulate text or type in Adobe Illustrator. Anchor Point Type Manipulation: -Object –Expand MESH Type Manipulation: -Object –Envelope Distort Fill and Object Type Manipulation: -Object –Envelope Distort Select/Create/Draw Area that you desire the letter or word to fill. Place the letter over top of the shape you’d like to fill. Select both […]