Fix : Photoshop Layer Thumbnail Doesn’t Show
I recommend and buy all of my gear from KEH camera. KEH has been in the used camera business for almost 50 years. They answer the phone quickly and stand behind everything they sell. I am an affiliate with KEH and may receive a small commission should you choose to buy from these links. Thank […]
Use the paintbrush tool to create a unique winter scene. The canvas should be 12 X 12 inches, resolution 200. IMPORTANT: SAVE the image in your folder as YourLastName_WINTER.jpg
Twin Valley High School Technology Education
Free font sites as of May 2024.
Graphic Arts Lessons
Mike Vanemon Photography
Use Adobe Illustrator to create a cityscpae. Create a new canvas that is: inches, 8.5″ X 11″ OR 11″ x 8.5″, RGB, 300 ppi. Use the Pen Tool, Curvature Tool, and Shapes to create a city. BEFORE YOU START, search the internet to inspire you with ideas. Save your final drawing as a .PDF. Place […]
Progression photography is a series of related photographs that build upon each other. Create a new canvas in inches that is 16.5″ in width, 4.5″ in height , and has a resolution of 200. Showcase your progression photographs in this canvas. Save your document as a .PSD. Now…Flatten the image. Duplicate the layer (command + […]
Three ways to manipulate text or type in Adobe Illustrator. Anchor Point Type Manipulation: -Object –Expand MESH Type Manipulation: -Object –Envelope Distort Fill and Object Type Manipulation: -Object –Envelope Distort Select/Create/Draw Area that you desire the letter or word to fill. Place the letter over top of the shape you’d like to fill. Select both […]
Pet Magazine Photography Typography Project thanks to Posing Pig for the ideas
Photography Project: Make a Photo Album
How to have Chrome automatically print from Adobe Acrobat A. in chrome set the print command to automatically download the file B. then set the mac default pdf reader to adobe acrobat C. then set chrome to automatically open all downloads in the default system viewer boom!