This information to be used for educational purposes only.
Progression photography is a series of related photographs that build upon each other. In a canvas that is no larger than 10″ X 16″ create a 3-5 photograph composition that showcases your progression photographs. Have your idea approved before beginning. Have your composition approved before printing. For inspiration: Feb 17, 2022admin
Use a 1300 X 1300 pixel canvas to recreate the flyer below to the best of your ability. Graphics should not be IDENTICAL to those use below but show evidence of relevant searching. Horixontal guides set at 22%, 48%, and 74%. Vertical guides set at 33% and 66%. These images to be used for practice […]
DELIVERABLES (things to be graded) Class: GrAphiC Arts and AnimAtion 2018-2019: Marking Period 4 PROJECT: Personalized Decals ANIMATION: Level III Exercises (Choose EIGHT Animations from Level 3 to Complete) 160 POINTS PROJECT: Personalized YouTube Thumbnails (4) ANIMATION: Level Two Exercises (Choose SIX Animations from Level 2 to Complete) 120 POINTS PROJECT: What the Font? 100 […]
These images to be used for Photoshop practice exercises only. Right click to copy this image to your clipboard. Next, open a new Photoshop canvas and leave the dimensions that Photoshop recommends, as Photoshop is aware of the size of the object on your clipboard. Paste the image into the new canvas. Apr 25, 2017admin
In timely fashion, complete these each of these Advanced Photography Projects. Portraits Using a LCD Projection Use and LCD projector to create at least TWO interesting photo shoots. Let your imagination run wild. You should try many images, map the light on a model and the background. Compliment your work with some photo editing to […]
Create a photograph that utilizes and imposes the same photograph a least tow times and ends with the identical background. Use Photoshop to create the effect. Deliverable 1: Create a photo, inside a photo, inside a photo of the identical background. Deliverable 2: Create a infinite framed photograph. Create two infinity photographs. Canvas Size 10″ […]
1. Goto a website similar to: or or and find the lyrics to one of your favorite songs. NOTE: The lyrics should be classroom appropriate. Typically, if you are unsure about the appropriateness, it is inappropriate. Use this as a rule. 2. Open a new document in Word. 3. Set the font to: Courier […]
Use a 6″ X 9″ Adobe Illustrator document to create four different greeting cards. Place your custom logo on the backside of the card. Place the four different cards correctly in the 13’X 19″ template. Screen at least three prints (12 cards). Using a Rototrim, trim each card neatly. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD 13″X 19″ […]