Use this photograph to create a vector representation in Adobe Illustrator.
Adobe Illustrator Template
These images to be used for Photoshop practice exercises only. Right click to copy this image to your clipboard. Next, open a new Photoshop canvas and leave the dimensions that Photoshop recommends, as Photoshop is aware of the size of the object on your clipboard. Paste the image into the new canvas. Mar 27, 2017admin
Instruction #6 on p. 143, Assessment 2, states: Specify the column row titles (A3 through A22) are to print on each page. HINT: 1. Goto the Page Layout Tab 2. Click on the Print Titles Icon 3. Set the Columns To Repeat at Left to A3:A22 Mar 9, 2013admin
How many golfers from weekend duffers to touring pros go literally a lifetime without sinking a hole-in-one? by Jeff Reinhart of Reigning PA Junior Open champ Samantha Staudt, a junior at nearby Coatesville High School, made two aces in a four-hole stretch during the Red Raiders’ match against Avon Grove on Tuesday at Inniscrone Golf […]
Photography Types Project: Webneel ***Save this document as B”*” YOURLASTNAME WebNeel * Represents the period/block you are in Go to the website above. 1. Choose at least ten different photography types you really like. 2. Find at least 5 examples of each of them and label the type. 3. Save these all in a […]
Mac Versus PC for Autodesk Inventor BOOT SPEED TEST What happens when a 2014 Mac goes head to head with a 2016 PC to run Microsoft Windows and Autodesk’s Inventor? How do Macs running Microsoft Windows handle Autodesk’s Inventor? Note: The PC is running with twice the Ram (16GB v. 8GB) PC System Components Model […]
Example from – p.54 4B =IF(E16>89,”A”,IF(E16>79,”B”,IF(E16>69,”C”,IF(E16>59,”D”)))) Hint for – p.63 Assessment #4 C4 =IF(B4>X, “Platinum”,IF(B4>100000,”X“, IF(B4>75000,”X“,IF(B4>X, “X“)))) D4 =IF(C4=”Bronze”,”None”,IF(C4=”X“,3000,IF(C4=”X“,X,IF(X=”X“,X Nov 15, 2012admin
Photographs of Newport, Rhode Island (5.26.18) Mike Vanemon Photography Gear I Use, Love, and Recommend: Mike Vanemon Photography May 26, 2018admin