Ideas ONLY for iPhone decals. All artwork must be original.
Objective: Create TWO Graphic compilations for digital and/or print. Topic Brainstorm: On a piece of paper, create a list of 15 topics that you could make a collage of. Examples: Cartoon Characters, Candy Logos, Restaurant Logos, Video Games, Etc… WITH THE TEACHER decide on TWO to move forward with. Have the topic brainstorm(s) approved […]
Directions: 1. Open and save a new presentation as YourLastNamePBJ.ppt 2. Insert a footer with your first name, last name, period, and day (odd/even). 3. In the footer dialog box check the box that reads “Don’t Show On Title Slide”, and check the box to SHOW slide numbers. 4. Using the images below create the […]
Twin Valley High School Technology Education
Animation: Level 1 Exercises Level 1 Exercises (Do not discount their simplicity! Here you have the principals of animation, which all other animation is built on. They are worth your time and effort.) -Ball Bouncing across the screen -Character kicking a ball -Character blinking -Character jumping -Brick falling from a shelf onto the ground -Simple […]
Beginner Adobe Illustrator Tutorial Using Shapes Adobe Illustrator tutorial for beginners learning how to navigate the shape tool, pathfinder, and color pallete. Advanced: Draw the Taco May 1, 2018admin
**Warm Ups Everyday** -Hand Draw Animation -The Sandwich (Complete by Adding items) –ASSIGNMENT: Draw the DAY House –ASSIGNMENT: Draw the NIGHT House –ASSIGNMENT: Draw the Car –ASSIGNMENT: Draw Your Own ORIGINAL Vehicle –ASSIGNMENT: Section Tools 1 –ASSIGNMENT: Lemonade Advertisement –ASSIGNMENT: Sneaker Advertisement –ASSIGNMENT: PENNY PINCHER ONE –ASSIGNMENT: Double Borders –ASSIGNMENT: Exploring Communication: Chapter 13 […]
These images to be used for Photoshop practice exercises only. Right click to copy this image to your clipboard. Next, open a new Photoshop canvas and leave the dimensions that Photoshop recommends, as Photoshop is aware of the size of the object on your clipboard. Paste the image into the new canvas. Lumberjack 1 […]
C;LICK HERE to access the: Mood, Tone, and Theme: Worksheet/Notes Page Dec 14, 2015admin