Conceptual Movie Poster
Directions: 1. Open and save a new presentation as YourLastNamePBJ.ppt 2. Insert a footer with your first name, last name, period, and day (odd/even). 3. In the footer dialog box check the box that reads “Don’t Show On Title Slide”, and check the box to SHOW slide numbers. 4. Using the images below create the […]
Traditional Portrait Assignment (15) **Save this document as “B*” YOURLASTNAME Portraits * = Your Block/Period number Photograph at least 15 original portrait photos in traditional style. In a traditional or classical portraiture the face is the predominant element. In this type of portrait, the subject is expected to be looking directly at the camera. Guidelines: […]
Photograph Caption
Look on Project 4B on page 54 for help “Writing a Formula with Nested IF Conditions”. Here is how the “nested IF” begins: IF(E4>99999,”10% This assignment will not be printed, rather graded on your computer. Apr 26, 2013admin
Here you will find images from a former student. These food photography of produce serve as examples of one type of food photography. They might be displayed as stand alone, or as images weaved together. Photos by: Dustin Rubican Oct 18, 2020admin
How to have Chrome automatically print from Adobe Acrobat A. in chrome set the print command to automatically download the file B. then set the mac default pdf reader to adobe acrobat C. then set chrome to automatically open all downloads in the default system viewer boom! Aug 30, 2023admin
This video examines hot to outline a .jpg file for cutting, how text/type can be better prepared with Roland Cut Studio, and how to fill a row to maximize and conserve vinyl. Also on edpuzzle. Essential Questions: What type of images will be imported into Roland’s Cut Studio? Right click on the image and choose […]
Create a photograph that utilizes and imposes the same photograph a least tow times and ends with the identical background. Use Photoshop to create the effect. Deliverable 1: Create a photo, inside a photo, inside a photo of the identical background. Deliverable 2: Create a infinite framed photograph. Create two infinity photographs. Canvas Size 10″ […]