Chapter 11 Investing For The Future
Midterm Assessment: #2 Page: #104 Filename: YourLastname_L1_C3_A2_p.104.xsl What does a “DATE” function look like? EXAMPLE: =DATE(2011,4,10) Jan 11, 2013admin
Quickest way to improvement? Practice. It’s a simple bit of advice that rings with absolute truth. Articles, tips, mentors, and study will never get you as far as rolling up your sleeves and getting down to work, be it animation or any other skill. adapted from animator island: Level 4 Exercises -Character eating a cupcake […]
What is screen printing? According to the Pennsylvania Technology Student Association (2023), Screen-printing utilizes an area of screen mesh blocked off with a non permeable material to form a stencil creating a negative of the image to be printed; that is, the open spaces are where the ink will appear when printed. Jan 19, 2023admin
CLICK HERE FOR THE: CSQT Notes CLICK HERE FOR THE: CSQT Blank Notes and Exercises Sep 4, 2014admin
This video explains how to use the paintbrush and pencil tools. Also addressed is how to undo unwanted actions by clicking: Edit & Step Backward. YouTube Sep 15, 2012admin
Create a 4 slide Power Point presentation that would explain how to sharpen a pencil. The Slideshow should have: A design (not white) A title slide with your name 3 “How to” slides 1 clipart 1 shape Save the presentation as “Pencil.ppt”. Mar 7, 2014admin
The following plan is for exercise only. It should not be duplicated or reproduced. Mar 13, 2018admin
Photographs of Pennsylvania Summer 2018 Gear I Use, Love, and Recommend: Mike Vanemon Photography Jul 23, 2018admin