DELIVERABLES (things to be graded) Class: GrAphiC Arts and AnimAtion 2018-2019: Marking Period 4 PROJECT: Personalized Decals ANIMATION: Level III Exercises (Choose EIGHT Animations from Level 3 to Complete) 160 POINTS PROJECT: Personalized YouTube Thumbnails (4) ANIMATION: Level Two Exercises (Choose SIX Animations from Level 2 to Complete) 120 POINTS PROJECT: What the Font? 100 […]
DELIVERABLES (things to be graded) Class: InTroDuctIon tO PhoTograPhy 2018-2019: Marking Period 4 PROJECT: 4X6 Framed Photographs PROJECT: Forced Perspective Photography PROJECT: 5X7 Green Screen Greetings (4) PROJECT: Product Photography PROJECT: Portrait Photography PROJECT: Candid Photography PROJECT: Food Photography CONTEST: Farm 15 ASSIGNMENT: Under/OverExposure (Light ADJ #3) ASSIGNMENT: OverExposure (Light ADJ #2) ASSIGNMENT: Underexposure (Light […]
Paige Vanemon Art
PROJECT: Personalized Decals Design and Cut a minimum of 8-10 personalized decals -Each decal should be created and customized by you, no direct logo steals -Each decal when printed should be no larger than 2.5-3 inches -Decals should be created in Adobe Illustrator in a canvas/document sized to 24″ X 24″ -Decals should be exported […]
PROJECT: 5X7 GREEN SCREEN GREETING Design and Print four 5″X7″ Greeting Postcards 1.Resolution should be 200 2. At least two must include a Green Screen photo of yourself 3. Text and Bending Options should be demonstrated on each card 4. Each card must demonstrate an outside border 5. Each card should be cut with the […]
This image to be used for practice only. May 10, 2019admin
The following images to be used for practice and instruction only. May 10, 2019admin
Animation: Level 4 Exercises Level 4 Exercises (Do not discount their simplicity! Here you have the principals of animation, which all other animation is built on. They are worth your time and effort.) Level 4 Exercises -Character eating a cupcake -Object falling into a body of water -Two characters playing tug-of-war -Character dealing a deck […]
Animation: Level 3 Exercises Level 3 Exercises (Do not discount their simplicity! Here you have the principals of animation, which all other animation is built on. They are worth your time and effort.) Level 3 Exercises -Close up of open hand closing into fist -Close up of hand picking up a small object -Character lifting […]
On a piece of paper practice writing your signature in an interesting way. Now using a sharpie practice writing your signature in an interesting way. Work to create thick lines with your autograph. Use Adobe Capture to vectorize and smooth a good version of your signature/autograph. Use Adobe Illustrator to manipulate the final vector for […]
For educational purposes only. These images for viewing and inspiration purposes only. May 8, 2019admin
Screen Printing Concepts (May 2019) Here you will find examples of design and layout for reference, inspiration, and example. May 5, 2019admin
ASSIGNMENT: “Farm Fifteen” Create the Green Screen Farm Include 5 different poses of yourself -A Flying Pig -You in a pair of overhauls -13 other interesting things going on, on the farm Overalls: Flying Pig: May 2, 2019admin
A pinhole camera is a simple camera without a lens but with a tiny aperture, a pinhole – effectively a light-proof box with a small hole in one side. Light from a scene passes through the aperture and projects an inverted image on the opposite side of the box, which is known as the camera […]
Graphic Arts Concepts (Spring 2019) Here you will find examples of design and layout for reference, inspiration, and example. May 1, 2019admin
How to create a white under base: Underbase and choke @ 8:40 Create a new layer and call it underbase Select entire graphic Control + C Paste to Font (Control + F) the section to the new layer Trace the object Use the Pathfinder tool to unit the object Apply a 1 Point choke Apr […]