Twin Valley High School Technology Education Fall 2017 Graphic Arts
CLICK HERE FOR THE: CSQT Notes CLICK HERE FOR THE: CSQT Blank Notes and Exercises Sep 4, 2014admin
Click Here for the Bank Record Tutorial Feb 18, 2014admin
1. Research 6-8 slogans that have meaning to you. 2. Present your research to the teacher. 3. Research 4-6 san serif fonts to use. 4. Present your findings. 5. Choose the slogan and font you will use. 6. Use lowercase sanserif font to create the message in the 13″ X 19″ template. 7. Demonstrate AT […]
Look on Project 4B on page 54 for help “Writing a Formula with Nested IF Conditions”. Here is how the “nested IF” begins: IF(E4>99999,”10% This assignment will not be printed, rather graded on your computer. Apr 26, 2013admin
These images to be used for Photoshop practice exercises only. Right click to copy this image to your clipboard. Next, open a new Photoshop canvas and leave the dimensions that Photoshop recommends, as Photoshop is aware of the size of the object on your clipboard. Paste the image into the new canvas. Oct 11, 2016admin
Photographs of Newport, Rhode Island (5.26.18) Mike Vanemon Photography Gear I Use, Love, and Recommend: Mike Vanemon Photography May 26, 2018admin
Click Here To View Independent Reading Visuals Guidelines Nov 18, 2014admin
Complete a Four Dimensional drawing, outline it in black marker, make it digital using Adobe Capture, edit the file using Photoshop and/or Illustrator and place the final file in a 10” X 7.5” Adobe Illustrator canvas/document.Place your 10” X 7.5” artwork in to the Seagull 13″ X 19″ template.Print the film.Create a screen.Screen 10 pieces […]