Hot Air Balloons: Photoshop Free Transform Jan 8, 2018admin
Warm Up doc: Ed Puzzle: avadeca Nov 9, 2020admin
Blue Print: Turn Any Picture into a Blue Print Original Photography by Ryan Reaney Link to Step by Step Instructions: Link to Aged Paper: Link to Draftsman Font: Link to Step By Step Instructions: Blueprints for Sale: Link to Blue Lightning Tutorial: Link to 23.5 X 23.5 Template: […]
A haunting reading of Ray Bradbury’s “There Will Come Soft Rain”, by Burgess Meredith. Leonard Nimoy reads Ray Bradbury’s “There Will Come Soft Rains” from “The Martian Chronicles” Oct 16, 2013admin
Here you will find a 13″ X 19″ Screen Print Template with two registrations. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE SCREEN PRINT TEMPALTE Apr 4, 2019admin
1. What 3 things does an economic system decide for society? 2. What is the characteristic of a “Hands-On” economy? 3. What makes Socialism different from Communism? 4. Name a “Hands Off” system? 5. Whose “hands” are we referring to? 6. What is Laissez Faire? 7. Explain “Profits”. 8. What happens to price when there […]
Traditional Portrait Assignment (15) **Save this document as “B*” YOURLASTNAME Portraits * = Your Block/Period number Photograph at least 15 original portrait photos in traditional style. In a traditional or classical portraiture the face is the predominant element. In this type of portrait, the subject is expected to be looking directly at the camera. Guidelines: […]
Twin Valley High School Purpose: – Design and manufacture a functional key chain that efficiently and effectively utilizes the capabilities of the laser cutter/engraver. – Utilize Adobe Illustrator to design a functional keychain that represents and identifies the end user of the keychain. Criteria / Constraints: – The key chain must have a unique shape […]