Pet Magazine Photography Typography Project thanks to Posing Pig for the ideas
These 1920 X 1280 YouTube templates can be opened and used in Photoshop to better prepare photographs for online presentation. Graphic arts TEMPLATE CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE FILE Apr 10, 2017admin
Mike Vanemon Photography
Graphic Arts Lessons
This image will be used for an exercise in Photoshop to practice using the: clone stamp tool. Right click to copy this image to your clipboard. Next open a new Photoshop canvas and leave the dimension that Photoshop recommends, as Photoshop is aware of the size of the object on your clipboard. Paste the image […]
These images to be used for Photoshop practice exercises only. Right click to copy this image to your clipboard. Next, open a new Photoshop canvas and leave the dimensions that Photoshop recommends, as Photoshop is aware of the size of the object on your clipboard. Paste the image into the new canvas. […]
Midterm Assessment: #2 Page: #104 Filename: YourLastname_L1_C3_A2_p.104.xsl What does a “DATE” function look like? EXAMPLE: =DATE(2011,4,10) Jan 11, 2013admin
1. Using the connecting line feature of the Paint Brush (Hold Shift), create a stained glass window or abstract artwork on a canvas 800 X 800 pixles in size. 2. Use the Paint Bucket to fill in the entire canvas. 3. You must use a minimum of 20 Colors. Examples: Feb 25, […]
Graphic Arts Concepts (May 2018) May 28, 2018admin