Pet Magazine Photography Typography Project thanks to Posing Pig for the ideas
This video explains how to use the shift key to draw perfectly straight lines, with focus on drawing a triangle. YouTube Sep 15, 2012admin
.PDF DOWNLOADABLE PROPAGANDA NOTES (CLICK HERE) Propaganda Biased or misleading information used to promote or publicize a particular (political) cause or point of view. Bandwagon Most people have this or are doing this so you should too. EX: Buy two tickets to the annual Father and Daughter Dance, and join the hundreds of fathers who […]
Create a one page advertisement for a Cell Phone Store. You need to meet the following requirements: 1. Create a name for the Cell Phone Store 2. Create a slogan for the Cell Phone Store 3. Place the name & slogan on the advertisement 4. Place the address & phone number of the Cell Phone […]
Template for Greeting Card CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE TEMPLATE (.AI FILE) Jan 25, 2019admin
The following resources to be used to begin to understand 3D design. Puzzle Cube Project: Videos That Go with the Notebook: Other Vids: Jan 2, 2017admin
Mac Versus PC for Autodesk Inventor BOOT SPEED TEST What happens when a 2014 Mac goes head to head with a 2016 PC to run Microsoft Windows and Autodesk’s Inventor? How do Macs running Microsoft Windows handle Autodesk’s Inventor? Note: The PC is running with twice the Ram (16GB v. 8GB) PC System Components Model […]
Twin Valley High Technology Education
Main Ideas: Working with layers, masks, and cropping in PhotoShop. from Bob Frye: The objective of this project is to obtain a better understanding of Photoshop Layers by creating the layers of a sandwich on a plate. Utilizing layers effectively is a key skill to have in order to create efficient and fully editable graphics. […]