How To Cut Left Handed on a Logan Mat Cutter
Ideas ONLY for iPhone decals. All artwork must be original. Nov 17, 2017admin
For educational purposes only. These letters are to be used for educational purposes only. CLICK HERE FOR A-H CLICK HERE FOR G-N CLICK HERE FOR M-T CLICK HERE FOR U-Z Jan 4, 2021admin
Create a one page advertisement for a Halloween Spook Alley 1. Create a name for the Halloween Spook Alley 2. Create a slogan for the Halloween Spook Alley 3. Place the name & slogan on the advertisement 4. Place the address, phone number, and hours on the advertisement. 5. You must use the following information: […]
This lesson describes how to transform any photograph into a graphic silhouette ready for print. PDF: SILHOUETTE GRAPHIC INSTRUCTION v3 CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD AIR CONDITIONER FONT CLICK HERE FOR THE: RAIDER CREST IMAGE Photoshop Tutorial: How to Transform a Face into a POP […]
Directions: Use the paintbrush tool to create the rainbow pictured below. The canvas should be 800 X 800 pixels. Use different brush tips and sizes to create the effects (stars, grass, and leaves) shown below. IMPORTANT: SAVE the image in your folder as YourLastName_Rainbow.pdf All colors and images should be as close to the below […]
1. Open a new document in Microsoft Word. 2. Set the font to Currier New Size 12. 3. Save the document as YourLastNameShortcuts.doc 4. Insert a footer that includes Your Name, Your Period, and Assignment Name. 5. Right Align the Footer. Starting on the first line of the document, type responses to the statements provided […]
Use this template to create vinyl stickers for backside apple of an iPhone 6. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE IPHONE 6 (REAR) TEMPLATE. DG DOT DGurl MD Apr 25, 2017admin
Create a Set of Original Mini Organizational Drawers that Work 50 POINTS To receive full credit your final project/print MUSt be original (your work) and functional. Mini Organizational Drawers and Holder: Create a set of mini organizational drawers that work. Use paper and pencil to do a rough sketch up of your drawings before using […]