How to Make a Warhol Style Pop Art
Graphic Arts Concepts: Typography Screenshots from Philip VanDusen’s “15 Trends in Graphic Design for 2018”. 15 Trends in Graphic Design for 2018 Feb 16, 2018admin
Photography Word Search I from CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD PHOTOGRAPHY WORD SEARCH I Nov 5, 2020admin
Sep 12, 2012admin
.PDF DOWNLOADABLE PROPAGANDA NOTES (CLICK HERE) Propaganda Biased or misleading information used to promote or publicize a particular (political) cause or point of view. Bandwagon Most people have this or are doing this so you should too. EX: Buy two tickets to the annual Father and Daughter Dance, and join the hundreds of fathers who […]
Troy’s Trees Your publishing company has been hired by Troy Smith to create marketing documents for his tree farm. Use your knowledge of and skill with desktop publishing software to create a business card that represents this business. Be sure to complete the document based off of the directions below, include all of the required […]
Create a second advertisement: ANY WAY YOU WOULD LIKE You need to meet the following requirements: 1. Create a name for the company 2. Create a slogan for the company 3. Place the name & slogan on the advertisement 4. Place the address & phone number of the company on the advertisement. 5. Create hours […]
Directions: In Photoshop create a canvas that is 10″ X 10″ for an advertisement of a product you wish. (NOT a shoe.) (Bonus for a photograph of a product that you took.) Use the Type Tool to create the TITLE and DESCRIPTION of the product. ALL TYPE MUST HAVE A BLENDING OPTION (Ex. Stroke, Drop-shadow, […]
This template to be used for print material(s). 23.5 X 23.5 SQUAREÂ TEMPLATE CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE FILE Sep 15, 2017admin