C;LICK HERE to access the: Mood, Tone, and Theme: Worksheet/Notes Page
Case Study Part 1 asks to “In column G, insert a formula using the PMT function (enter the Pv as a negative).” TIP 1: Don’t forget to enter the Pv as a negative. Why a negative? Because that is the amount to BORROW. TIP 2: When entering the interest rate (E7), make sure and divide […]
Troy’s Trees Your publishing company has been hired by Troy Smith to create marketing documents for his tree farm. Use your knowledge of and skill with desktop publishing software to create a business card that represents this business. Be sure to complete the document based off of the directions below, include all of the required […]
The following plan is for exercise only. It should not be duplicated or reproduced. Signs 1 and 2. Feb 6, 2017admin
Student Photography Project
Instruction #6 on p. 143, Assessment 2, states: Specify the column row titles (A3 through A22) are to print on each page. HINT: 1. Goto the Page Layout Tab 2. Click on the Print Titles Icon 3. Set the Columns To Repeat at Left to A3:A22 Mar 9, 2013admin
This video walks through the steps to create a new document or canvas in Adobe Photoshop CC. It demonstrates how to create a new canvas in both Pixes (for web publishing) and in inches (for printing physical copy) Oct 23, 2018admin
Traditional Portrait Assignment (15) **Save this document as “B*” YOURLASTNAME Portraits * = Your Block/Period number Photograph at least 15 original portrait photos in traditional style. In a traditional or classical portraiture the face is the predominant element. In this type of portrait, the subject is expected to be looking directly at the camera. Guidelines: […]
Blue Print: Turn Any Picture into a Blue Print Original Photography by Ryan Reaney Link to Step by Step Instructions: https://edmonkey.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Van-Blue-Print-Project-11.30.17.pdf Link to Aged Paper: https://edmonkey.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/paper.jpg Link to Draftsman Font: https://edmonkey.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Draftsman.ttf_.zip Link to Step By Step Instructions: https://edmonkey.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Van-Blue-Print-Project.pdf Blueprints for Sale: https://www.uncommongoods.com/search.html/find/?q=blueprint Link to Blue Lightning Tutorial: https://youtu.be/KZC_aHeVKAk Link to 23.5 X 23.5 Template: https://edmonkey.com/news/print-template-square/ […]