C;LICK HERE to access the: Mood, Tone, and Theme: Worksheet/Notes Page
Twin Valley High Technology Education
This tutorial illustrates ten basic steps to help in creating better decals. The link below provides a quiz to review these steps. Watch the video and complete the quiz/worksheet before preparing a vinyl decal. Click here to download the Quiz: Preparing a Vinyl Decal Sep 23, 2018admin
Look on Project 4B on page 54 for help “Writing a Formula with Nested IF Conditions”. Here is how the “nested IF” begins: IF(E4>99999,”10% This assignment will not be printed, rather graded on your computer. Apr 26, 2013admin
Textbook Assignments for Marking Period III 2013-2014 School Year ————————————————————- Tuesday 3.18.14 QUIZ p. 185 Letter 3 (bottom letter) NOTE: Use p. 177 As A Visual Guide (NOTE: Make sure and use the “Letter 3” information to complete the letter.) ————————————————————- Tuesday 3.4.14 p. 183 (Letters 2 & 3) NOTE: Use p. 177 As A […]
1. Using the connecting line feature of the Paint Brush (Hold Shift), create a stained glass window or abstract artwork on a canvas 800 X 800 pixles in size. 2. Use the Paint Bucket to fill in the entire canvas. 3. You must use a minimum of 20 Colors. Examples: Feb 25, […]
Progression photography is a series of related photographs that build upon each other. In a canvas that is no larger than 10″ X 16″ create a 3-5 photograph composition that showcases your progression photographs. Have your idea approved before beginning. Have your composition approved before printing. For inspiration: Feb 17, 2022admin
Introduction to Photography Photography Research: GENRES **Save this document as YOURLASTNAME GENERES “B*” * = Your Block/Period Number 1. Choose at least 15 different photography types that appeal to you. 2. Use Google to find at least 10 examples of each type. 3. Create a label for each one (Ex. Sunrise Photography) before placing them […]
Original logo artwork. From thumbnail sketched to vector to vinyl. Created by Owen Niedenthal. Feb 22, 2018admin