1. Goto a website similar to:
songlyrics.com or lyrics.com or sweetslyrics.com and find the lyrics to one of your favorite songs.
NOTE: The lyrics should be classroom appropriate. Typically, if you are unsure about the appropriateness, it is inappropriate. Use this as a rule.
2. Open a new document in Word.
3. Set the font to: Courier New, Size: 16
4. Insert a footer with the required information for this class.
5. Save the document as YourLastNameLyrics.
6. Starting on the first line of the document, type the title of the song you selected.
7. On the second line, type the artist of your selected song preceded by the word “By.”
8. Center align and bold the title and the artist.
9. Skip one line and type only the chorus (not the entire song) of the song into your document.
10. Center align and italicize the chorus.
11. Change the page orientation to landscape.
12. Change the vertical alignment of the page to center.
13. Carefully proofread the document for spelling, grammar, and accuracy.
14. Print the document and submit.Example: