Instruction #6 on p. 143, Assessment 2, states: Specify the column row titles (A3 through A22) are to print on each page. HINT: 1. Goto the Page Layout Tab 2. Click on the Print Titles Icon 3. Set the Columns To Repeat at Left to A3:A22 Mar 9, 2013admin
High School Photography Projects
Animation: Level 4 Exercises Level 4 Exercises (Do not discount their simplicity! Here you have the principals of animation, which all other animation is built on. They are worth your time and effort.) Level 4 Exercises -Character eating a cupcake -Object falling into a body of water -Two characters playing tug-of-war -Character dealing a deck […]
Here you will find a 14″X8.5″ Screen Print Template with two registrations. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE SCREEN PRINT TEMPLATE May 31, 2022admin
The following images to be used for education purposes only and are intended only to stimulate student thought. May 14, 2018admin
Alleyways for green screen design. Nov 13, 2017admin
DIRECTIONS: Create a new Photoshop document that is 1920 X 1080 PIXELS with a RESOLUTION of 200. Create a MINIMUM of FOUR unique YouTube Thumbnails that include your picture. -Each thumbnail should be a advertisement for a completely different topic/subject/idea. -Each Youtube thumbnail should have uniquely different and appropriate background and necessary graphics. -Shapes should […]
This video explains how to use the Zoom Tool and Paint Bucket Tool in Photoshop. Step Backward is also reviewed. YouTube Sep 15, 2012admin