Farm for green screen design.
Animation: Level 1 Exercises adapted from animator island: Level 1 Exercises (Do not discount their simplicity! Here you have the principals of animation, which all other animation is built on. They are worth your time and effort.) -Ball Bouncing in place, no decay (loop) -Ball Bouncing across the screen -Brick falling from a shelf onto […]
Use this photograph to create a vector representation in Adobe Illustrator. Feb 13, 2018admin
For educational purposes only. These letters are to be used for educational purposes only. CLICK HERE FOR A-H CLICK HERE FOR G-N CLICK HERE FOR M-T CLICK HERE FOR U-Z Jan 4, 2021admin
Use Adobe Illustrator to create a cityscpae. Create a new canvas that is: inches, 8.5″ X 11″ OR 11″ x 8.5″, RGB, 300 ppi. Use the Pen Tool, Curvature Tool, and Shapes to create a city. BEFORE YOU START, search the internet to inspire you with ideas. Save your final drawing as a .PDF. Place […]
This template to be used for print material(s). 25.5 X 35.5 HORIZONTAL TEMPLATE CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE FILE Oct 2, 2017admin
These 1920 X 1280 YouTube templates can be opened and used in Photoshop to better prepare photographs for online presentation. ADVANCED PHOTOGRAPHY TEMPLATE CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE FILE Apr 10, 2017admin
This video explains how to use the Zoom Tool and Paint Bucket Tool in Photoshop. Step Backward is also reviewed. YouTube Sep 15, 2012admin
In this assignment you will be asked to: Copy an image from the web and paste it into the correct size canvas in Photoshop. Save the image to your network folder as “Family.pdf“. Use the paint bucket to add color to the image. Save the image so that it can be retrieved and graded by […]