Farm for green screen design.
Create a Visual Presentation that applies Vinyl, Paper, and a Color Means of your choice. Your hand created visual should contain: *The TVTE logo in the bottom right. (You will be given half of this as a sticker.) *The Tagline “Life’s Better When you Make Stuff” (You will be given half of this as a […]
Use the tools we have covered in this course to correct the images in the file below. How to get the file to your computer: Click on the image Right click and choose “Copy” or “Copy Image” In Photoshop, Open a new file and click “OK” to the predetermined size of the canvas. (Photoshop knows the […]
1. Research 6-8 slogans that have meaning to you. 2. Present your research to the teacher. 3. Research 4-6 san serif fonts to use. 4. Present your findings. 5. Choose the slogan and font you will use. 6. Use lowercase sanserif font to create the message in the 13″ X 19″ template. 7. Demonstrate AT […]
For educational use only. May 3, 2022admin
Printable Back to School Nigh Sign in Sheet CLICK HERE FOR THE: Printable Back to School Night Sign In Sheet Aug 30, 2018admin
These images to be used for Photoshop practice exercises only. Right click to copy this image to your clipboard. Next, open a new Photoshop canvas and leave the dimensions that Photoshop recommends, as Photoshop is aware of the size of the object on your clipboard. Paste the image into the new canvas. Jan 5, 2017admin
Photograph Caption
Twin Valley High School Technology Education Fall 2017 Graphic Arts Oct 17, 2017admin