DELIVERABLES (things to be graded) PhoTograPhy II 2018-2019: Marking Period 4 —————————————- PROJECT: Personalized YouTube Thumbnails (4) PROJECT “How to” Video PROJECT: Big Head Fragmented Photographs DEMONSTRATION: Stenciled sign Reveal: Monday 4.6.19 ASSIGNMENT: “How to” Script/Steps PROJECT: TVB: Local Business Project ASSIGNMENT: “How to” Brainstorm PROJECT: Vinyl Sign Stencil: Create TWO PROJECT: Twin Valley Improvement […]
Graphic Arts Lessons
A plot summary of Antigone by Sophocles. Made using Animoto; a site that offers free educator memberships. Sorry about the less than humble title, but that’s how you get views, ya know? ~TVR Mar 23, 2014admin
1. Open a new document in Microsoft Word. 2. Set the font to Currier New Size 12. 3. Save the document as YourLastNameShortcuts.doc 4. Insert a footer that includes Your Name, Your Period, and Assignment Name. 5. Right Align the Footer. Starting on the first line of the document, type responses to the statements provided […]
Mike Vanemon Photography On the Pennsylvania Road: Fall 2018 Gear I Use, Love, and Recommend: On the Pennsylvania Road: Fall 2018 Oct 25, 2018admin
Mike Vanemon Photography
Use Adobe Illustrator to create a cityscpae. Create a new canvas that is: inches, 8.5″ X 11″ OR 11″ x 8.5″, RGB, 300 ppi. Use the Pen Tool, Curvature Tool, and Shapes to create a city. BEFORE YOU START, search the internet to inspire you with ideas. Save your final drawing as a .PDF. Place […]
Directions: 1. Open and save a new presentation as YourLastNamePBJ.ppt 2. Insert a footer with your first name, last name, period, and day (odd/even). 3. In the footer dialog box check the box that reads “Don’t Show On Title Slide”, and check the box to SHOW slide numbers. 4. Using the images below create the […]