This image to be used for practice only.
Twin Valley High Technology Education
Astronaut says UFO’s and Aliens are Real Dec 2, 2013admin
Kino Loves his family Loves his heritage and his people Frustrated at how his people have been oppressed Upset with European colonizers Has a quick mind Strong work ethic Feels close to nature His character gradually declines He becomes overwhelmed with ambition and greed He peaceful relationship with nature becomes reversed Juanna Loves her […]
In Part 2 on Page 146 You are asked to: Insert in cell C6 a formula that calcualtes the future value of an investment. TIP: Here is that formula for cell C6: =FV($C$5,B6,-$D$3) You will printing two documents for this assignment. 1. With a contribution of $2000 2. With a contribution of $3000 PRINT: Scale […]
Twin Valley High School Tool Tote Tutorials Jul 24, 2017admin
Photographs of Saint Martin August 15, 2018 Mike Vanemon Photography Gear I Use, Love, and Recommend: Mike Vanemon Photography This series of photographs was taken while traveling the highways and byways of a battered Saint Martin. Many of these photos show the debris-strewn streets on the Carribean island of St. Martin after the passage […]
Create a Visual Presentation that applies Vinyl, Paper, and a Color Means of your choice. Your hand created visual should contain: *The TVTE logo in the bottom right. (You will be given half of this as a sticker.) *The Tagline “Life’s Better When you Make Stuff” (You will be given half of this as a […]
The following images to be used for instruction and classroom exercises only. Apr 23, 2018admin