This image to be used for practice only.
This .jpg file should be used for arranging photos to ensure the parting correctly on the Espon Photo 1400. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE 8 X 10 FILE CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE 8 X 10 FILE Sep 19, 2016admin
Introduction to Photography Photography Research: GENRES **Save this document as YOURLASTNAME GENERES “B*” * = Your Block/Period Number 1. Choose at least 15 different photography types that appeal to you. 2. Use Google to find at least 10 examples of each type. 3. Create a label for each one (Ex. Sunrise Photography) before placing them […]
Directions: Use the paintbrush tool to create a house at Night Time. The canvas should be 12 X 12 inches, resolution 200. The house should look DIFFERENT from the previous house. The time setting should reflect night time. The image should use at least 20 different colors. You are encouraged to be creative with this […]
This video explains how to create a new file or blank canvas in Photoshop. YouTube Sep 15, 2012admin
Troy’s Trees Your publishing company has been hired by Troy Smith to create marketing documents for his tree farm. Use your knowledge of and skill with desktop publishing software to create a business card that represents this business. Be sure to complete the document based off of the directions below, include all of the required […]
This image will be used for an exercise in Photoshop to practice using the: clone stamp tool. Right click to copy this image to your clipboard. Next open a new Photoshop canvas and leave the dimension that Photoshop recommends, as Photoshop is aware of the size of the object on your clipboard. Paste the image […]
Use this photograph to create a vector representation in Adobe Illustrator. Feb 13, 2018admin
**Warm Ups Everyday** -Hand Draw Animation -The Sandwich (Complete by Adding items) –ASSIGNMENT: Draw the DAY House –ASSIGNMENT: Draw the NIGHT House –ASSIGNMENT: Draw the Car –ASSIGNMENT: Draw Your Own ORIGINAL Vehicle –ASSIGNMENT: Section Tools 1 –ASSIGNMENT: Lemonade Advertisement –ASSIGNMENT: Sneaker Advertisement –ASSIGNMENT: PENNY PINCHER ONE –ASSIGNMENT: Double Borders –ASSIGNMENT: Exploring Communication: Chapter 13 […]