The following images to be used for instruction and classroom exercises only.
Chapter 1 from John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men. Chapter 2 from John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men. Pages 17-37 in the 1993 Penguin edition. Chapter 3 of Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men (38-65 Penguin) Chapter 4 of Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men Chapter 5 of Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men Chapter 6 of Steinbeck’s […]
Animation: Level 1 Exercises Level 1 Exercises (Do not discount their simplicity! Here you have the principals of animation, which all other animation is built on. They are worth your time and effort.) -Ball Bouncing across the screen -Character kicking a ball -Character blinking -Character jumping -Brick falling from a shelf onto the ground -Simple […]
Case Study Part 1 asks to “In column G, insert a formula using the PMT function (enter the Pv as a negative).” TIP 1: Don’t forget to enter the Pv as a negative. Why a negative? Because that is the amount to BORROW. TIP 2: When entering the interest rate (E7), make sure and divide […]
Use Microsoft word to create a table to submit the answers to the questions below. Use search engines: Google, Yahoo, Ask, and one more of your choice to find your answers. Each search engine must be used at least twice. After you have found the answer to each question provide your answer in a complete sentence, […]
These images to be used for Photoshop practice exercises only. Right click to copy this image to your clipboard. Next, open a new Photoshop canvas and leave the dimensions that Photoshop recommends, as Photoshop is aware of the size of the object on your clipboard. Paste the image into the new canvas. Lumberjack 1 […]
Template Example: Feb 15, 2013admin
The 10th grade persuasive Essay and Research is a capstone activity to be completed by all 10th graders. UNDERSTANDING THE PROJECT (STEP BY STEP) Three Topic Brainstorm: 30 Points The project begins with a brainstorm of three topics of interest to the student. The first step is completed when the student completed three topic idea forms. […]
Circus Ring for green screen design. Nov 13, 2017admin